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viscosity ratio中文是什么意思

用"viscosity ratio"造句"viscosity ratio"怎么读"viscosity ratio" in a sentence


  • 粘度比
  • 粘度系数
  • 粘性计
  • 黏度比


  • Plastics . determination of viscosity ratio of polyamide resins in concentrated solution
  • Plastics - cellulose acetate in dilute solution - determination of viscosity number and viscosity ratio
  • Plastics - cellulose acetate in dilute solution - determination of viscosity number and viscosity ratio iso 1157 : 1990 ; german version en iso 1157 : 1999
  • In addition , a theoretical model was also developed to predict the width of the two - fluid hydrodynamically - focused stream for a given volumetric flow rate ratio , dynamic viscosity ratio of the two - fluid , and microchannel aspect ratio
  • 2 . effect of the viscosity ratio , mterfacial adhesion , processing conditions and composition on the dispersing morphology and properties of pp / eoc blends was investigated . low viscosity ratio and high shear rate during processing were found to produce fine and uniform dispersion of eoc in pp matrix , while low viscosity ratio , high interfacial interaction , good fluidity of elastomer and high shear rate in molding process resulted in fibril dispersion , which afford a guide for controlling the morphology of pp / eoc blends
    研究了粘度比、界面相互作用、加工条件和共混比例等因素对pp eoc体系分散形态和性能的影响,发现粘度比小和加工过程中剪切强度大有利于弹性体在基体中分散均匀细化;粘度比小、界面相互作用强、弹性体本身的流动性好及成型时受到的剪切应力大,使弹性体相易变形,沿流动方向取向呈纤,阐明了各因素对形态影响的作用机制,这对pp eoc共混物的形态控制具有重要的指导作用。
  • The theoretical study of the recovery percent vs . water cut of thin and bottom water reservoir in luliang oilfield is based on developing its geologic and flow models , obtaining oil - thickness ratio , oil - water viscosity ratio , relative permeability curve parameter and chart of effect of bottom water toning , etc . , on water - yielding pattern of the reservoir
用"viscosity ratio"造句  


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